August 26, 2011

Guess who is going to be a Zumba instructor....

Wow! It has been so long that I almost feel at a loss on how to start this post. I feel like there is so much I could catch you all up on.... my latest knitting project, my new favourite smoothie (will get a whole post of its own), my crazy salad cravings (I am eating like 2-3 BIG salads every day lately!!).

For today I think I will focus on the news that I have officially registered for Zumba Instructor Training! For those who don't know what Zumba is (really?), it is a Latin based dance work out. Think loud salsa music, easy to follow dance steps and a bubbly instructor leading you through it -that will be me!

I am a little obsessed with that song!

The Zumba training is in October so I will be sure to keep you posted on how it goes! Oh and you are all invited to attend when I teach my first class. :)

And a couple of pictures from the last little while...

Food + wine + friends = BLISS!

Thor's annual baseball work event.... Ill let it be like a game of Where's Wally to find us.

Well the last weekend of August has snuck up on us, I am going to be teaching some classes and having a long awaited for girls night.... What are you doing???


  1. Two things: 1-can't wait to take a Zumba class from you! and 2-your hair looks so pretty!

  2. Kate: 1-I cant wait for that either. FYI We do have zumba at FT now so you should come try a class! 2-Thank you! I debate daily Chop it off or grow it out??


Always excited to hear your thoughts or have you share ideas!